Indian wedding traditions are basically based on religion like Hindu, Christian and Muslim marriages. Due to vast diversity in Indian culture, it also varies as per region, community and castes.The common customs involved in Indian wedding ceremonies are exchange of wedding vows by the couples authorized by their religious figure, presentation of gifts, exchange of garlands and rings, tying of thali etc.
Hindu Wedding Traditions
Hindu ceremonies are usually conducted by a Purohit / Pandit chanting mantras and vedas in Sanskrit. The wedding vows are performed in front of yagna or sacred fire. Hindu marriage traditions vary among the states, caste and community. Commonly, the bonding of relationship as husband and wife happens on tying of mangalsutra, which is a very important ritual of Hindu wedding ceremony. The mangalsutra and chanting of mantras are carried out, only in auspicious time of that specific wedding day, which would have been finalized beforehand by astrology.
Even the Hindus living abroad follow the wedding traditions as per the customs, rites and rituals of Hindu wedding ceremony.
Christian Wedding Traditions
Muslim Wedding Traditions
There is an important post wedding ceremony known as "Valima" in Muslim marriages. It is celebrated normally after a couple of days from Nikah. There is a grand feast with dinner offered by the bride's family and it is the actual reception ceremony.
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